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WiSys products are designed on an adaptable framework called Agility, which is a framework designed for consultants and customers alike. Every company has unique processes and the level of ROI obtained from implementing a system depends on how a system adapts to the user rather than how the user is required to adapt to the system.

Typical Supply Chain Management systems for Macola rely on configuration switches to change the behavior of certain functions. This is limited to changing one very specific function on a global scale and is limited to acting only one way or another. Often times these limitations mean that source code modifications are needed to create ROI.

WiSys understands that every business process is unique and so the Agility Adaptable Framework allows Macola users to build their own company-specific workflows without modifying a single line of source code. This is all done within WiSys Agility Adaptable Framework tools, which can be used by Macola customers and resellers as well as WiSys consultants.

The Agility Adaptable Framework tools include:

  • Agility Design Studio – A robust design environment that allows you to design very specific Business Intelligence Execution components.
  • Agility Form Studio – A visual design environment which allows you to build mobile handheld data collection forms that are unique to your business processes.

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Agility Design

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