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Globalization of the food supply chain, consumer demand and government regulations are making traceability crucial to food manufacturers. Products need to be tracked and quickly located in the case of a recall. Real-time, agile Supply Chain Management solutions make this possible for food manufacturers and increases the safety of our food.

Compliance and Traceability

For food and beverage manufacturers, traceability is the ability to trace each ingredient of a product through the entire supply chain. WiSys uses barcodes and mobile scanners for real-time lot tracking and reporting. This provides the tools needed to comply with food safety regulations by ensuring products can be traced from farm to fork.


  • Ability to track individual ingredients throughout the supply chain
  • Meet and exceed compliance requirements to ensure food safety
  • Keep up with constantly changing regulations with updated labels, formulas and recipes
  • Purpose-built, customized solutions to fit unique business processes
  • Meet compliance and Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) requirements with EDI Integration
  • Integrates seamlessly with Macola and SAP Business One ERP

Solutions for Food & Beverage Manufacturers

warehouseManagementWarehouse Management System (WMS)
The primary focus of WMS is to control the movement, storage and accounting of materials and finished goods through the warehouse.

shippingLogisticsShipping Logistics
From simple to complex, WiSys Shipping Logistics allow users to tailor a solution that meets their unique shipping processes.

palletManagmentPallet Management
A very robust solution for building, shipping and recording the movement of pallets.

orderManagementOrder Management
With WiSys Order Management, every component of the order fulfillment process can be customized and automated.

manufacturingExecutionManufacturing Execution
Flexible applications allow real-time reporting of material and production status, resulting in better management of the production process.

agilityExplorerBusiness Intelligence
Agility Explorer is both an analytical tool to help monitor data and a transactional tool that can act on that data, turning your data into useful information and knowledge.

Featured Customer

Bob’s Red Mill
Bob’s Red Mill is a natural foods manufacturer located in Milwaukie, Oregon. They make, mix, mill, process and ship all products out of their facilities in Milwaukie.

In this video, you will hear their IT Director describe the custom tools WiSys built to improve warehouse processes.